START. Time for a motherfuckin rant.
So im on the A train heading uptown frm work & as I told ya b4 I like to ride trains & think. I don't like for guys to try & talk 2 me. So im sitting, thinking and a pass-over dude comes on train. He soon makes a beeline for the seat next 2 me. There's a newspaper on it(who's article I just finished reading. Gun slinging granny?? CIGAOww...lmao) & he's like gesturin 4 me to move it. Im like "w.e" so I lift it up, cuz he's obviously mentally retarded, and there's gum on the seat. I tell him, he retreats & winds up standing. Ok, back to staring out the window rite?? Wrong. Nigga asks me "so did u have a productive day??" I dryly answer "yea". Im sure he can tell by my tone that I don't want to be bothered. But he's definitely tone deaf, so he says "what is ur career, are you reaching ur goal??" I say "im a student" patient I am so I answer tho extra dry. Next, "oh what's ur major??" I lie & say im undecided. "Oh so, liberal arts??". "Yea". Nigga goes "oh sorry if im bothering you" I don't protest because he is and say "yea after work I usually don't want to talk. Id rather just sit & think" so he goes "oh im sorry I thought u were friendly". Yea, he thinks that's gonna make me explain myself & say how friendly I am. But naw. I aint got the energy. So I sit & think. Yay.
So then this puerto rican guy comes on & dudes like "what do u do?? How much do u make?? Are u ambittous?? Are u reachin ur goals?? Blah blah" so im laughing inwardly b/c nigga sayin he bout to run a multimillion dollar company. Lmao. If you wulda seen his ass u wuld know why im laughing. So as he's leaving he says bye to the guy & says to me "next time don't be so stink." Really tho?? U fucking bum ass nigga with your cheap ass worn to the sole shoes & tacky ass zoot suit. Fuck outta here. So I yelled "oh shut the fuck up!!" As soon as doors closed, ugh.
I don't like the fact that niggas think cuz a girl don't wanna talk to em they mean. And maybe he wasn't tryna holla. Either way I don't give a fuck. When I put on that face, respect it. I don't have to answer your lame ass. And call me mean. Call me a bitch. Say im stink. Cuz I am all of the fuckin above. Don't mean I aint nice, cuz im nicer than a mug. But sometimes I just don't wanna be bothered. So if you see me on the train, LEAVE ME ALONE. Unless u know I love u. And those I love know I love em. Smh. Nigga had on a fuckin zoot zuit and he prolly got a small dick too. Ugh. FINISH.
Monday, March 30
Friday, March 27
A moment of Nostalgia...
Remember highschool?? We all thought we were gonna change the world.
"Smells like Teen Spirit" -Nirvana
"Smells like Teen Spirit" -Nirvana
The old him is "dead and gone" off to jail...
Aww man!! My husby T.I is was sentenced to jail today and has to serve his one year & a day sentence starting May 19th. Yay!! Its after my birthday, so I can still imagine T.I coming to me with nothing but whipped cream on & my fantasy not be set in a cage!! (Although that does sound kinda fun ;]) But im still sad to see him go...

"The extra day means T.I. can carve 15 percent off of his sentence with good behavior. Under U.S. Bureau of Prison rules, inmates can earn such credit only if they are sentenced to longer than a year in prison. T.I. should serve an estimated 298 days — or a little less than 10 months. He is expected to get credit for the two weeks he sat in jail after his arrest and before posting a $3 million bond."
Hunny bun, pleaseee dont drop the soap!!
"The extra day means T.I. can carve 15 percent off of his sentence with good behavior. Under U.S. Bureau of Prison rules, inmates can earn such credit only if they are sentenced to longer than a year in prison. T.I. should serve an estimated 298 days — or a little less than 10 months. He is expected to get credit for the two weeks he sat in jail after his arrest and before posting a $3 million bond."
Hunny bun, pleaseee dont drop the soap!!
Thursday, March 26
Pharell vs McDonalds
Ugh!! So sad that I missed out on a free concert from N.E.R.D superstar(and my crush) Pharell. Like farreal?? Thats wack. Pharell gave some Parisian McDonald workers a free show while in an airport awaiting a connecting flight, and they were not too thankful. Check out the show below, geez Parisians can be soo mean =/
“I want a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries / Icy Coke, Thick Shakes, Sundaes, Apple Pie.” -from Looseneck
“I want a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries / Icy Coke, Thick Shakes, Sundaes, Apple Pie.” -from Looseneck
Wednesday, March 25
Killa Cam loves the kids!!
Today I was in my mom's Escalade, my Lil bro was asleep in the bag and I'm on my SK texting, when I hear "Cookie with some apple juiceeee. I aint mad at you cookies with some apple juice...". Since I only caught the end of it and I was in complete shock that Hot 97 would play this shit I didn't really hear much after that. So I typed the words in my phone to Google later...and when I do I see that its fucking Cam'ron. I was in shock. I expected it to be one of Soulja boy's goonies, not this nigga. I'm amazed that radio stations think that this is music. No nigga this some pre-school type shit, I'm pretty sure he lost a dice game with a 4 yr old & for winning gave the kid his own track. That is the most logical explanation, unless Cam actually thought this was good music...
See, He Does love the kids!! lmfao
bad music,
cookies with some apple juice
Tuesday, March 24
Kim Kardashian burns up the cover of Complex!!
So, my BIGGEST celeb crush of the moment is Kim Kardashian!! There's no need to explain why she can see!! She is fucking hot!! And then she did the whole get with the sexy ass chocolate football player Reggie Bush. Anyways, she's covering "Complex", which features the Ice Age edition on Kanyeezy on the flipside, and I totally get what "Complex" was going for. She's fire, Yeezy's Ice. lol...peep the chick!!
Check out Kanye's cover and extra's here!!
Check out Kanye's cover and extra's here!!
complex magazine,
kanye west,
kim kardashian
Show Tufli: "Without A Doubt"

The fave rapper, Mr. Show Tufli, has released the anticipated first mixtape off of his five part series "Fox 5". "Without a Doubt" is inspired by Jay-Z and each of the songs have an Hov element to them while still being 100% Show. Shout outs to Woody, Sha-leik and Charles Hamilton, who contributed to the mixtape!!
Download---> Show Tufli "Without A Doubt"
Download---> Show Tufli "Without A Doubt"
More on the project:
This report, "Without A Doubt", pays homage to Jay, while putting his songs in today's context of climate. It's real out here, y'all. Jay kept it gangsta in his lyrics, much to the displayed duality of hip-hop. Whereas he saw his music as humble poetry, his music and lyrics got canonized as urban gospel. Show walks the thin line as a young man growing up in a society where doubt is the factor between life and death.
This report, "Without A Doubt", pays homage to Jay, while putting his songs in today's context of climate. It's real out here, y'all. Jay kept it gangsta in his lyrics, much to the displayed duality of hip-hop. Whereas he saw his music as humble poetry, his music and lyrics got canonized as urban gospel. Show walks the thin line as a young man growing up in a society where doubt is the factor between life and death.
Also Check out:
charles hamilton,
fox 5,
new mixtapes,
show tufli,
tha engineer,
Without a doubt,
"Dilemma" Official Video...lmfao!!
About five years after the song became a hit on the airwaves, Nelly & Kelly Rowland have finally released the official version of the video to the track "Dilemma". Neither artist appears in the video, but, I think the emotion of the song is captured anyway...enjoy!!
I dont know about you guys but I think shawty is banging, see when she threw on that fitted?? OWWW!!! This video is FIRE!!!!! Idk who directed it but Thumbs up!!
lmao @ the tags!! hahaha!!
I dont know about you guys but I think shawty is banging, see when she threw on that fitted?? OWWW!!! This video is FIRE!!!!! Idk who directed it but Thumbs up!!
lmao @ the tags!! hahaha!!
dancing fat girl,
jesus please save our souls,
sexy fat chick,
Monday, March 23
Show Tufli: "This is not a love song"
Show Tufli has done it again...and will continue to do it again and again and again. This nigga go in!! Was a pause needed for that?? Naw, Ima a girl. lol...anways, Show is putting out the first mixtape of his "Fox 5" series "Without a Doubt" March 24th and has leaked another track off of it "This is not a love song" prod. by my fave (former) curly haired Cali dude Woody!! This is influenced by Jay-Z so you know that shit gonna be fire. Make sure you download the 1st mixtape tonight!!!
But first, download---> "This is not a love song"-Show Tufli (prod. by Woody)
More at:
Show Tufli's Blog
Demevolist's Blog
Peep Demev's webiste, which is firee!! --->Demevolist's Website
But first, download---> "This is not a love song"-Show Tufli (prod. by Woody)
More at:
Show Tufli's Blog
Demevolist's Blog
Peep Demev's webiste, which is firee!! --->Demevolist's Website
demevolist music group,
fox 5,
show tufli,
Without a doubt,
I need...
I am soooo fiening for some new tattoos!! I already know what I want too, and thats what sucks. It isn't like im still deciding. No. The 3 next ones I know are already planned out and ready to go. Now, all I need are the funds!! Good thing I go to that cheap ass tattoo spot on 125th in Harlem, Concrete Jungle. lol...each of my tats were 40bucks!! So. yea in April Im getting them!! Of course, I'll post pics of em. lol...Why get a tattoo for it to be hidden?? They are art(well some are lame) but MINE are great!! lol...ugh maybe I should start a foundation "Help Tori permanently etch ink into her body"'ll never work.
I am soooo fiening for some new tattoos!! I already know what I want too, and thats what sucks. It isn't like im still deciding. No. The 3 next ones I know are already planned out and ready to go. Now, all I need are the funds!! Good thing I go to that cheap ass tattoo spot on 125th in Harlem, Concrete Jungle. lol...each of my tats were 40bucks!! So. yea in April Im getting them!! Of course, I'll post pics of em. lol...Why get a tattoo for it to be hidden?? They are art(well some are lame) but MINE are great!! lol...ugh maybe I should start a foundation "Help Tori permanently etch ink into her body"'ll never work.
I ride the subway everyday...yea I have an unlimited & I use it to thee fullest!! Lol..I also enjoy takin trains. Like MIA, "sometimes I think sitting on trains." And I enjoy it. Maybe its the rythmic motion of the train as it move along the tracks or it could be all the darkness I see as I stare out the windows. I sometimes contemplate riding the train to the last stop just so I can sit & think...I haven't done it yet. But maybe one day...
Wednesday, March 18
Introducing: Yung Nate
"Yung Nate is one of the most passionate artists I have come across as of late. His range is impeccable, from songs about 'butchering' up the haters, to songs about making love to his lady (in graphic detail) he doesn't hold anything back. Even just sitting down and talking to this young man, you can feel him. As he speaks about his dreams, his fears and his inspiration his eyes and words are so filled with his emotions you might think he is about to tear up. He just wants to be listened to, and at this point people hear him but they're not really listening, at least not yet."
-via Society and Style
Read full interview here!!
I found Nate to be very honest and open in this interview, and it was refreshing. I only expect more to come from this artist & friend!! Cant wait for that project he mentioned "200N8" lol get it??
Get to know him more at
demevolist music group,
yung nate
Charles Hamilton's "Loser".
No Im not calling Mr. Ham-il-ton a loser, its the title of the new video that XXL Mag dropped. I was there for 2 days of the shoot (thx Jess for le company) so seeing the completed project is rad!! And what a completion it is!! The video is FIRE!! Shot in my alma matter FDA & various other spots it provides a good visual for the song which is off Charles' album (which I adoree) The Pink Lavalamp(click to download).
Also: Check out this new vid from Demevolist South. Lol. Woody, Show, Charles & manager Le'roy are all at SXSW. Tho that wasnt always the case...
Watch--->Where in the World is Charles Hamilton?!?!
On another note, peep this funny video. Set in a world where Charles Hamilton doesn't exist. lmfao too funny!!
Watch---> Who's Charles Hamilton (is it me or does dude resemble Chris Brown...lmao)
"Is he black??"
Also: Check out this new vid from Demevolist South. Lol. Woody, Show, Charles & manager Le'roy are all at SXSW. Tho that wasnt always the case...
Watch--->Where in the World is Charles Hamilton?!?!
On another note, peep this funny video. Set in a world where Charles Hamilton doesn't exist. lmfao too funny!!
Watch---> Who's Charles Hamilton (is it me or does dude resemble Chris Brown...lmao)
"Is he black??"
It must be lovee...
My girl Cassie & my Fave Twitter'r Diddy have come out with a new single off of, im guessing, Cassie's new album. I listened to it. Its cool, Cassie's vocals seemed to have gotten way better. Also the beats real cool, and if you can get past Diddy's everpresent voice on the track you'll probably enjoy it.
Download---> Cassie ft. Diddy "Must be Love"
I'd go gay for...
KIM KARDAZIAANN!! ( have to say like Joel from E!'s "The Soup"). I think she is just smokin' hot!! & I also love "Keeping up with the Kardashians" Here are some recent pics from her shoot with lover, fine-ass Reggie Bush:
Did someone turn up thee heat?!?! ;-)
Tuesday, March 17
Twitter Nation UNITE!!!
So I recently joined Twitter cuz I was jealous of Jessica and her Twitter stories, anyways, I joined twitter and was disappointed at the lack of fun that its provided. Its pretty much a bunch of Facebook statuses. Didnt seem fun at all. That is, until I started following Diddy. lmao
Yo this guy bugs on Twitter!! After giving himself a new name P. Twitty, Twitty has become the king of Twitter. P shares inspirational messages with his 180,oo0+ followers like "GOODMORNING FAMILY!!!! May God bless you to have a great day!!! Lets go!!!" and "We have a beautiful movement goin on!!!! LET'S GO PEOPLE!!!! Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off!!!!!!". lmao, he's so enthusiastic about Twitter that he even started doing P. Twitty Youtube videos:
Diddy is a fool!! Love when my girl cassie says "That shit is bright!!" lmfao. He's got more vids, in one he has his son, Christian, dancing, in another his twin girls are webcammin it up.
Bottom line: Diddy is an entertaining person & thee highlight of my Twitter life. lol
Check out his page on youtube--->Diddy's Youtube page
Follow him on twitter---> and
Show's all grown up...
So my fave rapper, lol, Mr. Show Tufli is stepping from under thee hedgehog outlined shadow of Charles Hamilton & coming out with his own project. I've loved Show since his young'n days (ahem, "Show & Tell", yea I know all thee words. lol) and he's only grown since then. His new single of his solo project "Fox 5" is "How Can I" and samples The Jackson 5!! Its really cool & shout out to Woody for thee hot beat!!
How Fli?? Judge for yourselves...
Download---->Show Tufli: "How Can I?" (produced by Woody)
More behind the project:
“Fox Five consists of 5 mixtapes every 2 weeks from the rising star Show Tufli. Each mixtape’s production will be themed around 5 of Show’s favorite MC’s. The mixtapes will be released in the following order; Jay-Z, Outkast, Eminem, Cam’ron & Charles Hamilton. Not only does it allow Show Tufli to pay reverence to some of his favorite MC’s but many listeners will be interested to see what he will do on such familiar music.”
-from :-)
Catch Show on his Blog---> Show Tufli's Blog
Demevolist's new Blog---> Demevolist's Blog
Wednesday, March 11
Remember when Beyonce' went dolo?!?! Yo my mom & I played "Dangerously in Love" in the car huard bodyy!! Yo "Crazy in love" was...well, crazy!! lol
Beyonce' is an Ah-mazing performer!! Like kills it everytime...Rihanna is relevant, & she aint got shit on her!! This performance totally pushed Bey to the forefront:
This one was fire too:
not the best quality but you get it. Killer.
This post aint to say the shit past this aint tuff...simply a look back. lol
yo just youtube this WOW!!
Beyonce' is an Ah-mazing performer!! Like kills it everytime...Rihanna is relevant, & she aint got shit on her!! This performance totally pushed Bey to the forefront:
This one was fire too:
not the best quality but you get it. Killer.
This post aint to say the shit past this aint tuff...simply a look back. lol
yo just youtube this WOW!!
What's that Fuckin Noise?!?!
I'm a weirdo. Self-confessed. Loves it. Being the weirdo I am, I tend to do unusual things. My biggest thing has been to make weird noises avec my mouth. lol...not on some freaky shit. But yea, mouth noises. My fave things to do is to make the "creaking door" sound, lol. Its cool, I've learned how to vary the pitch & shit. Master. This sound was especially cool in French class...when it was just mad quiet I'd just start doing that noise. Teacher would be like "Whats that noise?!?" And since I can do it without the need to move my mouth no one ever knew it was me. FUN!!! lol
I also do this weird spit squirting thing. Feelin like a pause is necessary. PAUSE. lol But naw this sound is cool. Idk how to describe it, a kind of squirt-y sound. lol *shrugs*...This is prolly thee most annoying since whenever I do it people give me nasty looks. lmao fuckers!!
If you see Charles Hamilton ask him to do it. Lol...only other person I've met who said they used to do it as well. Cool
I also do this weird spit squirting thing. Feelin like a pause is necessary. PAUSE. lol But naw this sound is cool. Idk how to describe it, a kind of squirt-y sound. lol *shrugs*...This is prolly thee most annoying since whenever I do it people give me nasty looks. lmao fuckers!!
If you see Charles Hamilton ask him to do it. Lol...only other person I've met who said they used to do it as well. Cool
This my Shitt!!!
So, I love me some Missy Elliot!! Like from way back when, I'm talking when she was garbage bagged thee fuck up. lol
Found this video. Enjoy
-remember when Missy & Timbaland were IT?!?! I used to love Trina...not so much now. damn good performance nonetheless.
Found this video. Enjoy
-remember when Missy & Timbaland were IT?!?! I used to love Trina...not so much now. damn good performance nonetheless.
get your freak on,
missy Elliot,
nelly furtado,
one minute man,
Tuesday, March 10
She's a Flirt
I am a flirt. I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm charming & I have developed the skill over time. So...why not use it?? lol...naw but I don't abuse it. Don't lead guys on. So when I flirt with a guy its cuz I do have intentions. I dont say shit for no reason. ya digg?? This trait of mine gets me in trouble on occasion, like with girls mostly. I be flirting with they "man", and they "man" be flirting back( see the need for quotes. lol). I would never just flirt with a guy if I ain't feel a vibe. Tho, my vibes seem to be tweakin' as of late. Yea. So if I'm flirting with you, I'm diggin you shawty ;-)
I flirt with girls too. Not on some "I'm feeling you type" shit, but I charm em. It helps people like you. lol
I'm a charmer. And niggas are snakes. So i do my job. get it??
If you don't. Bloop.
I flirt with girls too. Not on some "I'm feeling you type" shit, but I charm em. It helps people like you. lol
I'm a charmer. And niggas are snakes. So i do my job. get it??
If you don't. Bloop.
Thursday, March 5
Maybe I'm just dirty...
First thing I thought of was sexual and very dirty. But who wouldn't. Popsicles are already sexual, suck a long, hard ice-y thing...yea. But these took it to a whole 'nother level. They are HUGE for one and the exploding tip(pop rock type candy shit I presume) just took the sexual innuendos to a new level. lmao.
So my question is Am I wrong for thinking such dirty thoughts about an innocent children's confection or are the makers of this wrong for creating dildo-esque ices for kids?? lmao
*I mean look at it. It can't just be me... lol
-xoxo ;-)
Tuesday, March 3
I know she didnt just...
So I was debating with my girlfriend over the obvious better-ness of Tauruses compared to Scorpios. I mean, c'mon a bull and a scorpion. Of course being the simple-minded insect she is she attacked with "I can sting you". Lame. I of course being the strong-headed one of the two countered "Nigga so what?!!? I can just STOMP YOU OUT!!!" lmao I smelled Defeat. Too Easyy. lol
so after a few tense moments she replied back "StH". I stopped. I know this bitch just aint StH me when she aint even StH. lmao. She knew she was wrong and signed off so as to not face further humilation. lmao
-All in good fun. We are total opposites but in a weird way totally compatible. I love my scorpio baby Troii Anne!! lol
so after a few tense moments she replied back "StH". I stopped. I know this bitch just aint StH me when she aint even StH. lmao. She knew she was wrong and signed off so as to not face further humilation. lmao
-All in good fun. We are total opposites but in a weird way totally compatible. I love my scorpio baby Troii Anne!! lol
Think Twice...

If you contemplating slacking on Demevolist. I already posted on the first disc "Plan" and last night they realesed side 2 "Execute". This is gonna be, sadly, a short ass post since I am battling some wicked ass flu/virus type shit. Wack. Ima give ya some of my faves & make this shit a wrappp....
I gotta give a "tsk tsk" to my big homie Yung nate for "Backatcha". This is an odee FJ song(If you dont know what FJ means you aint on it) lmao. One could assume that this is the soundtrack to an up-coming softcore porn0 but naw, its just Nate being his freaky self. Le Chorus"She throw it back, I go harder" (girl's moaning included) WHOAA!! lol
My post gets its namesake from "Think Twice" a song starring Yung Nate, Charles Hamilton, and Mr. Show Tufli. A message in a song type of song (idk, bear w. this virus) the main message is to think twice when you do shit "cause you only get one time to act". Pretty simple. I could say more. But upon thinkin...
I gotta say my FAVE may be "MTV Cribs" only because I LOVE The Conchords(who produced the track)!! Their hilariously-amazing songs are only better-ized(w/e) when StH lays down some sick bars!! lmao
Check out the video to it MTVCribs: Charles thee Hamilton
Oh and another hot song is "The Huddle". Well Actually, the video to the song is thee most poppin-est thing out!! Why?? Cuz my intoxicated ass in it it. lmao iight well the song is fire, but we all know why the video got those views...
First Order of Business:Madden 2010.
I gotta give a "tsk tsk" to my big homie Yung nate for "Backatcha". This is an odee FJ song(If you dont know what FJ means you aint on it) lmao. One could assume that this is the soundtrack to an up-coming softcore porn0 but naw, its just Nate being his freaky self. Le Chorus"She throw it back, I go harder" (girl's moaning included) WHOAA!! lol
My post gets its namesake from "Think Twice" a song starring Yung Nate, Charles Hamilton, and Mr. Show Tufli. A message in a song type of song (idk, bear w. this virus) the main message is to think twice when you do shit "cause you only get one time to act". Pretty simple. I could say more. But upon thinkin...
I gotta say my FAVE may be "MTV Cribs" only because I LOVE The Conchords(who produced the track)!! Their hilariously-amazing songs are only better-ized(w/e) when StH lays down some sick bars!! lmao
Check out the video to it MTVCribs: Charles thee Hamilton
Oh and another hot song is "The Huddle". Well Actually, the video to the song is thee most poppin-est thing out!! Why?? Cuz my intoxicated ass in it it. lmao iight well the song is fire, but we all know why the video got those views...
First Order of Business:Madden 2010.
Download---> "First Order of Business Disc 2 0f 2: "Execute"
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