Tuesday, January 20


Wow!! That's one word to describe the multitude of emotione I've had today. Pride is another. Pride in my country & pride in the leader of it. Many have said that Obama is simply a pop fad, but I disagree. He's more than a phase, more than someone whom the youth has grabbed onto because of his cool & new-ness...he's inspirational. He's a man who no matter ur ethnicity you can look up to & believe him. Writing this almost makes me cry when I think of the impact this has had on us. I, at first, was extremely doubtful of his abilities & was one of the people who thought he was a celebrity. But he won me over w. His eloquent & meaningful speeches and his impending impact he'd have. I truly never thought that id see anyone but a white person as president, im glad I was proved wrong. Im also so ecstatic that my little brother, who's 5, will look in a history book & see someone who looks like him...(really, my bro looks JUST like Obama. Its the ears!! Lol babybama!!)
-proud to be a part of this...

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