So My little cousin by 7months visited my blog after I pleaded with him & upon witnessing its glory he wanted me to blog about him. I said, "Ok, What do you do??" he replied, "Nothing...say I can light my farts on fire or sumthing." here's the post:
My cousin Trevor Wood of M street, SE D.C can light his farts on fire. My family is soo proud!!Ladies!! He's also in college to be a police officer and despite the fact that he looks like a skeletor he's pretty cute. Hit me up!! lmfao
Friday, February 27
Thursday, February 26
"Transformers" much??
So, I know we've all seem them, they come out of nowhere and although we aren't the ones they after we kinda feel like criminals. I'm talking about the new undercover cars that the NY PD seems to be using like no tomorrow. They got yellow taxis, livery cabs, Luxury cars, Navigator trucks, Camry's...the list goes on. I feel violated by it. I'm not a criminal (weed is legal, ain't it??) but its just such a violation of some amendment, like they just come out of nowhere. I'm standing on the corner of 125Th & St. nick & like 2 cars transform like fucking well, Transformers, into a blur of lights and the deafening sound of sirens. Its ridiculous, there has to be some sort of law that prohibits this.
There must be a limit to the type of unmarked police cars you can have. And if there isn't then I propose we try to get one enacted. The point is, while there is a lot of voilence in the city we as citizens have a right to know what/who is watching us...and that includes the people we expect to protect us. Im kinda feeling that this is part of the "Patriot Act" that we were soo quick to get enacted after 9/11...smh...they got us again...
* I tried to get a pic or a few for this but it wouldn't let me copy thie this a conspiracy?? Lol
There must be a limit to the type of unmarked police cars you can have. And if there isn't then I propose we try to get one enacted. The point is, while there is a lot of voilence in the city we as citizens have a right to know what/who is watching us...and that includes the people we expect to protect us. Im kinda feeling that this is part of the "Patriot Act" that we were soo quick to get enacted after 9/11...smh...they got us again...
* I tried to get a pic or a few for this but it wouldn't let me copy thie this a conspiracy?? Lol
Wednesday, February 25
Jay St.-Borough Hall...
As I look unto the smiling faces of girls years younger than me
I seethe with jealousy.
Not of their clothes or youth but of their happiness.
Happiness I've never felt.
The happiness that comes only when loves is near.
And even thought I know that for most this won't last...
I am jealous of the moments.
The moment that probably feels like time stops & everything is still.
The moments that although you know it won't last forever,
you dream of a future together.
The moments that I fear will never come to me.
Moments that elude me. Love that eludes.
And I know that it will come but tilll then....
*this isn't a self-pity poem. Its an "off-the moment" type shit, wrote it on my sidekick at the Jay st train stop in So please no "Tori dont worry it'll come "(Darden. lmao) comments. Just appreciate it for the mediocre work it is. lmao
I seethe with jealousy.
Not of their clothes or youth but of their happiness.
Happiness I've never felt.
The happiness that comes only when loves is near.
And even thought I know that for most this won't last...
I am jealous of the moments.
The moment that probably feels like time stops & everything is still.
The moments that although you know it won't last forever,
you dream of a future together.
The moments that I fear will never come to me.
Moments that elude me. Love that eludes.
And I know that it will come but tilll then....
*this isn't a self-pity poem. Its an "off-the moment" type shit, wrote it on my sidekick at the Jay st train stop in So please no "Tori dont worry it'll come "(Darden. lmao) comments. Just appreciate it for the mediocre work it is. lmao
Tuesday, February 24
Talk About Them...

So Yesterday I felt like a beastmaster. Why?? Because I was literally waiting for 12m for Demevolist to drop their new shit "First Order of Business". I loved "Ayo! These Niggas Went Hollywood", so I was this would be thee same!!
I got it a little after 12, big-up to Likkle Miss at, and I have to say its pretty cool. They've only dropped the first disc entitled "Plan", its consistent with the theme of the album.
I like to give my favorite tracks off of every album I review. I've already told you of my love for "Forever" and "So Fresh, So Fly" but I'm also IN LOVE with "She Got That". The song features Yung Nate, Show Tufli & Charles Hamilton, Three of my faves from Demev.
Its a somber love song and when I asked Nate about it he said that he wrote it at a sad time in his life(hope you dont mind). The recurring words in the chorus are "Baby can I be the one, I gotta know..."..
You also have to check out "Barely Legal" with Jmeans & Show Tufli and "Home" feat. B/A, Proven and Yung Nate. ...I cant wait for Disc 2!!
Shout out to Woody & Sha-leik for producing some great tracks.
Download---> "First Order of Business"
Also...check out this funny ass Video, MTV Cribs: Charles Hamilton. Edited By St. Vil & Woody, its pretty great. lol
This is why I lost the Spelling Bee...
I couldn't spell "Beautiful" until I was around 17. Stupid right?? I learned from Jim Carrey in the funny ass movie "Bruce Almighty" know how his character goes "b-e-a-utiful..."(if not press play on the video. Lol).
Funny thing, I didn't start feeling beautiful until I learned how to spell it....
Funny thing, I didn't start feeling beautiful until I learned how to spell it....
Monday, February 23
"I think I have Espn or something..."
I've always thought that I was psychic and that I saw signs. Not like I saw ghosts or could communicate with the dead, but I've always had feelings. I grew up in a household where unorthodox Catholicism was practiced by my grandma; voodoo dolls, prayers, fortune-telling...yea. I was also never really into church or organized religion, I was(and still am) a very free spirit)...but I digress.
I always had Deja Vu when I was younger, Maybe once or twice a day...always!! but I never took it for anything. I could also hear peoples thoughts, well not "hear" but i'd sometimes start singing a song or say something to someone and they say "Um, I was just singing that in my head" or "How'd you know I said that in my head." Happened with my cuz before: We were on the fone and she was with a friend. She was saying something about him and I blurted out "ha ha!! he's a fruitcake!!" she said "Wait, how'd you know he was gay??" I said, "Didn't you just say he was??" she said, "No. I said it in my head. I ain't wanna say it aloud cuz he's right here." We were both freaking out to say the least. lmao
So yea, I'm always saying to people "This happened before" and I'm always met with quizzical & confused looks. lmao
I see signs all around me. Recently its been towards one person. And its caused me to break down once (I was high) lol. We'll call him, Joe Boxer. lol So, I was feeling Joe Boxer(for a while) & Joe was feeling me. Joe's psychic too. So I'd see so many signs and one night when I smoked the white people's weed (that good shit, good looks ant) I broke down in my cousin's dorm. Why?? Because Joe was everywhere!!! lol. I look on the ipod & there's Joe's fave song. Then I say "Hi" to Ant's roommate and there's a big jersey hanging up with "Boxer" on the back. Then Joe's favorite star comes on TV & then Joe's...omg too much!! Weird huh?? There were so many more signs but due to my state those freaked me out the most. (I think weed makes you even more psychic)...lmao
ok, hope no one thinks I'm crazy for this (most of you already do tho) but its the truth. My mom experiences the same thing!! lol...all my psychic friends get me...Dionne I see you boo!! lmaoo
I always had Deja Vu when I was younger, Maybe once or twice a day...always!! but I never took it for anything. I could also hear peoples thoughts, well not "hear" but i'd sometimes start singing a song or say something to someone and they say "Um, I was just singing that in my head" or "How'd you know I said that in my head." Happened with my cuz before: We were on the fone and she was with a friend. She was saying something about him and I blurted out "ha ha!! he's a fruitcake!!" she said "Wait, how'd you know he was gay??" I said, "Didn't you just say he was??" she said, "No. I said it in my head. I ain't wanna say it aloud cuz he's right here." We were both freaking out to say the least. lmao
So yea, I'm always saying to people "This happened before" and I'm always met with quizzical & confused looks. lmao
I see signs all around me. Recently its been towards one person. And its caused me to break down once (I was high) lol. We'll call him, Joe Boxer. lol So, I was feeling Joe Boxer(for a while) & Joe was feeling me. Joe's psychic too. So I'd see so many signs and one night when I smoked the white people's weed (that good shit, good looks ant) I broke down in my cousin's dorm. Why?? Because Joe was everywhere!!! lol. I look on the ipod & there's Joe's fave song. Then I say "Hi" to Ant's roommate and there's a big jersey hanging up with "Boxer" on the back. Then Joe's favorite star comes on TV & then Joe's...omg too much!! Weird huh?? There were so many more signs but due to my state those freaked me out the most. (I think weed makes you even more psychic)...lmao
ok, hope no one thinks I'm crazy for this (most of you already do tho) but its the truth. My mom experiences the same thing!! lol...all my psychic friends get me...Dionne I see you boo!! lmaoo
Loves it!!
So, I'm usually not into the sporty look but I visited the Rugby store and fell in love...Yes, its that serious. Now I cant see myself spending the 90 bucks on some of the Polo's but this is worth every penny....
Its the Rugby "Ginny Cotton Ruffled Dress". Ain't it nice?? Its a regular Rugby style cotton dress which I'd normally never go for but the details make it extra cute!! Foremost, it has a very cute white ruffle going down the placket and a flower where the Rugby crest would normally be!! Any one who knows me knows that I adore Flowers!!! See pic at right.

Now at around $129 its something I'd know I have to make sure I wear. Lol. I will tho!! I already know how my hair is gonna look & what shoes I could wear with it. Lol...I'm a planner :-)
Its the Rugby "Ginny Cotton Ruffled Dress". Ain't it nice?? Its a regular Rugby style cotton dress which I'd normally never go for but the details make it extra cute!! Foremost, it has a very cute white ruffle going down the placket and a flower where the Rugby crest would normally be!! Any one who knows me knows that I adore Flowers!!! See pic at right.
Now at around $129 its something I'd know I have to make sure I wear. Lol. I will tho!! I already know how my hair is gonna look & what shoes I could wear with it. Lol...I'm a planner :-)
Find it at or The Rugby Store at University Place.
ginny cotton ruffled dress,
ralph lauren rugby
Pass That.
So you know how a remix can sometimes make a song slightly better?? Well, for these two songs the remixes made the songs a hundred thousand trillion times better. lol
First Up: Ron Browz ft. The Sickest kids-Jumping Out The Window(remix)
While the original boasts a slow beat with an extremely annoying "squeezy" type thingy, lol, the remix enhances the lyrics & dancecibility(idk) of the song. The beat is iight, but thats it.
The rock sounds added to it just makes it sound hardcore; like "Hell yea I am jumping out the window with this one!!" With the original I may open the window but I'd def be staying on the ledge. lmao.
The video is also better than the first, which sporst the usual girls dancing & making "sexy" faces in the camera. Yea, it was very original.
*The girl (w. the curls) was first spotted in Charles Hamilton's Brooklyn Girls
Saved this bomb ass shit for last:
Go Hard(Remix)-DJ Khaled, Jay-Z, Kanye West and T-Pain
Um yea. Jay KILLED IT!! This is my Shit when I'm high!! lmfao, had mad fun with this in Batavia. They know. lol
The Original was poppin, but Jay is like salt, add the shit to anything & the flavor is enhanced. Lol Salty!! Nigga said "Where you at Duval?? Ima go harder than You ALLL!!!" lmao Yo this the best song for when you high(shit or sober)..."And Ye go hard thats baby bro" lmfao.
Kanye did go hard "Felt like I had to play the fly on the wall. Felt like niggas was stuntin on me. funny how im flyer then them all ."
Damn, I need a L. lol
First Up: Ron Browz ft. The Sickest kids-Jumping Out The Window(remix)
While the original boasts a slow beat with an extremely annoying "squeezy" type thingy, lol, the remix enhances the lyrics & dancecibility(idk) of the song. The beat is iight, but thats it.
The rock sounds added to it just makes it sound hardcore; like "Hell yea I am jumping out the window with this one!!" With the original I may open the window but I'd def be staying on the ledge. lmao.
The video is also better than the first, which sporst the usual girls dancing & making "sexy" faces in the camera. Yea, it was very original.
*The girl (w. the curls) was first spotted in Charles Hamilton's Brooklyn Girls
Saved this bomb ass shit for last:
Go Hard(Remix)-DJ Khaled, Jay-Z, Kanye West and T-Pain
Um yea. Jay KILLED IT!! This is my Shit when I'm high!! lmfao, had mad fun with this in Batavia. They know. lol
The Original was poppin, but Jay is like salt, add the shit to anything & the flavor is enhanced. Lol Salty!! Nigga said "Where you at Duval?? Ima go harder than You ALLL!!!" lmao Yo this the best song for when you high(shit or sober)..."And Ye go hard thats baby bro" lmfao.
Kanye did go hard "Felt like I had to play the fly on the wall. Felt like niggas was stuntin on me. funny how im flyer then them all ."
Damn, I need a L. lol
dj khaled,
Go hard remix,
Jay z,
Jumping out the window remix,
Ron Browz
Sunday, February 22
I already know whose song I'ma play...
So my gf Troi, one of the kinkiest girls around, got excited about this new toy!!
She tried to be low about it, wanting to send me the link on AIM asking me if my mom or little brother was around. I said "yea. why should that stop you from sending me anything" She giggles. Im confused. So she tries to find an article for it, I've already guessed that its a sex toy. Lol...I know her well. So she sends me the link and there says "Ohmibod Ipod Driven Personal Vibrator". lmao...
How'd I know?? Because I'd prolly get the same thing. We are simultaneously on the phone and she's telling me, gleefully, all that it does "It's so cool. It vibrates to your favorite song!!". Ok, now it actually sounds pretty cool. lol So she plans to have it shipped to my house. lmao...I think I might steal
Troii's said she gonna play songs that have the most base: "A milli" then "Diva" and of course Trey Songz...lmao
Who'd I play?? Um... ;-)
She tried to be low about it, wanting to send me the link on AIM asking me if my mom or little brother was around. I said "yea. why should that stop you from sending me anything" She giggles. Im confused. So she tries to find an article for it, I've already guessed that its a sex toy. Lol...I know her well. So she sends me the link and there says "Ohmibod Ipod Driven Personal Vibrator". lmao...
How'd I know?? Because I'd prolly get the same thing. We are simultaneously on the phone and she's telling me, gleefully, all that it does "It's so cool. It vibrates to your favorite song!!". Ok, now it actually sounds pretty cool. lol So she plans to have it shipped to my house. lmao...I think I might steal
Troii's said she gonna play songs that have the most base: "A milli" then "Diva" and of course Trey Songz...lmao
Who'd I play?? Um... ;-)
Sneak Peek...
Here's a poem i'm working on. I wasn't gonna put it out but today made me reconsider. This is dedicated to all my girl friends...
Im used to giving more than I recieve
I've given so many a huge part of me,
only to leave empty-handed.
With those empty hands,
I find someone new to grasp...
someone new to give my all to.
For a while my hands are empty no more...
for a while they are held by another's hand.
And then I think I give too much,
much more than they are willing to recieve.
As you see its a real rough
Im used to giving more than I recieve
I've given so many a huge part of me,
only to leave empty-handed.
With those empty hands,
I find someone new to grasp...
someone new to give my all to.
For a while my hands are empty no more...
for a while they are held by another's hand.
And then I think I give too much,
much more than they are willing to recieve.
As you see its a real rough
Now Here This...
I think I stole the title of this post from MTV, oh well. lol.. This post is the prelude to one im gonna write tuesday; Demevolist Music Group is dropping the highly anticipated "First Order of Business"(drops 2/24). Here are two songs that they put out from it a lil bit ago. They are bombb!! lol
Forever: Show Tufli ft. Yung Nate & Apryl
Yea this beat is crazyy, You just groove to it you know?? Lol...Im a big fan of Show voice, he got some good ass delivery. Nate adds that kinky aspect(smh) lol & Apryl in the chorus just adds that feminine touch that makes everything better.
Download ----> "Forever"
So Fresh, So Fly: B/A, Jmeans & Show Tufli
This beat is fire too!! Yo makes me mad excited for this fuckin project!! lol.. All the rappers in this song just make it hot. Like they stand out on they own but together they poppin. The chrous dont lie "The song is too fresh, the beats too fly..."
Download----> "So Fresh So Fly"
Check Out Demevolist's Blog
Forever: Show Tufli ft. Yung Nate & Apryl
Yea this beat is crazyy, You just groove to it you know?? Lol...Im a big fan of Show voice, he got some good ass delivery. Nate adds that kinky aspect(smh) lol & Apryl in the chorus just adds that feminine touch that makes everything better.
Download ----> "Forever"
So Fresh, So Fly: B/A, Jmeans & Show Tufli
This beat is fire too!! Yo makes me mad excited for this fuckin project!! lol.. All the rappers in this song just make it hot. Like they stand out on they own but together they poppin. The chrous dont lie "The song is too fresh, the beats too fly..."
Download----> "So Fresh So Fly"
Check Out Demevolist's Blog
"You The Fucking Best..."
I first heard his music from my GF Troii, she loovess him!! lol Honestly I was like "Fuck outta here, I know Jimmy from Degrassi aint tryna rap wit his wheelchair bound ass." lol. (Im a bitch.) But she convinced me and I gave it a try. I immediatetly fell in Love with "Brand New" & "Come Real" ft. Kyoko.
Yea, he got me...
So I downloaded "So Far Gone" his newest mixtape & I gotta say this shit is meannn!! lmao. For real tho. He sings & raps, and hes sexy...yea I listen hawrd bodyy!!
While the whole project is hot(he samples Peter Bjorn &John for Christ's Sake!!), my fave has to be "Best I Ever Had", its a nice head bobbing joint. A Love song that girls could love & niggas can respect.
Yea, this has been on repeat!! "You the fuckin the best I ever had..."
Im also really diggin' "Houstatlantavegas". Guess the re-occuring theme is that I love his songs towards girls. Pretending he singing to ;-)
"Unstoppable" is cool too, sampling one of my fave Santogold songs of the same name feat. Weezy F. Babyy.
Saturday, February 21
Merlot 1990
There's so much I want to say
But never enough oppurtunity to say it
Or maybe there is and I just miss it.
Either way it stays bottled up inside.
Im corked...
And Unlike wine, who's taste & soul only grows with age,
everyday I get less sweet & my youth fades.
Im growing older without ever speaking my mind...
Letting all my hopes, dreams, wants and needs stay bottled up inside...
But never enough oppurtunity to say it
Or maybe there is and I just miss it.
Either way it stays bottled up inside.
Im corked...
And Unlike wine, who's taste & soul only grows with age,
everyday I get less sweet & my youth fades.
Im growing older without ever speaking my mind...
Letting all my hopes, dreams, wants and needs stay bottled up inside...
This is an excerpt from my good friend, Geneya's, poem "My Apology". We've both experienced intense feelings over the same person, and I dont know if this is towards him but I totally feel her. Didn't know that this was under the surface:
"For the moment it was the best thing I've ever felt
For the moment it was my heaven on earth
And for the moment it was an undiscovered mistake
Little did I know that you would soon come back & haunt me..."
Deep shit right?? Want more?? Here's her blog Simply Neya
"For the moment it was the best thing I've ever felt
For the moment it was my heaven on earth
And for the moment it was an undiscovered mistake
Little did I know that you would soon come back & haunt me..."
Deep shit right?? Want more?? Here's her blog Simply Neya
Pretty Pink Roses...
Horribly sickened by her country she dreams of a place where woman won't have to wear headscarves and the chadors of the religous regime.
Once in America, Tami is overwhlemed by the freedoms, simple acts that we take for granted are to her sacred and somewhat scary. She still harbors fears of Iran and lives everyday with the thought of returning.
The book takes Tami through love, lust, and pain. Although it has an expected ending its no less a good book.
Give it a try, I know there's a little bit of Love living inside...
We Got Another One...
He's fucking focused too, he knows what he wants to do with his life and thats be a rapper. Well, he's already a rapper but Im sure he wants to ger better and make it to the top. I dont doubt his ability to do so either, Im new to his music but its poppinnn!! lol...
He put out a mixtape coolly named,"Alumni Swagger" which he handed to me when i visited the school a few weeks ago. Upon opening it I realized the cd case was empty, lol...he quickly handed me a different one. Yes, nigga is stocked up (pause??), carry them shits with him.
Memorable songs include "Kisan's song" (a HS friend of ours)which is layed over Charles Hamilton's "Brooklyn Girls" beat. Its a cute sonng!! I also like "One more time once more", especially where he talks of his fave teacher Ms. Rodriguez and how she cared when no one else seemed to. He also has a deep song with Charles and my friend David(both alumni of FDA) named "Win or Lose".
Yea, bottom line this kid is grindin' and doin his thang...Now who was it that said '08 was a bunch of fuck ups?? Fuck Outta Heree!! lmao
Check my music player for the songs mentioned----->
Terrence Stewart on Imeem
Friday, February 20
I can not wait until March!! This month is looking to be promising.
Why?? Because I'm getting balls in March, I'm gonna do things that I normally wouldn't. I'm ready for a change, Im bored with myself...its still so 2008.
Cant say whats gonna happen do because it a secret...Troii knows...Shh!! Why March in particular, no reason except that February is practically over & April is too far away. Also you can say "Mmmmmm....March" sounds kinda kinky, no?? lmfao
-I'm a pessimist at heart so I'm already preparing myself for a dismal, lackluster month. lmao
Tori keep hope alivee!!!!
Why?? Because I'm getting balls in March, I'm gonna do things that I normally wouldn't. I'm ready for a change, Im bored with myself...its still so 2008.
Cant say whats gonna happen do because it a secret...Troii knows...Shh!! Why March in particular, no reason except that February is practically over & April is too far away. Also you can say "Mmmmmm....March" sounds kinda kinky, no?? lmfao
-I'm a pessimist at heart so I'm already preparing myself for a dismal, lackluster month. lmao
Tori keep hope alivee!!!!
"Let me take you to the sky..."
I wont try to explain out Mr. Hamilton's blog he gives the full rundown.
The songs on here are really good and they have a purpose, which is always pleasing to thee ear. It reeks of the familiar tale: the pursuit of Love that at times seems unnatainable.
And while it is directed at Rihanna, uncomfirmed but confirmed, any girl listening to this could feel as if he's pursuing her & every guy could remember how it felt to pursue THAT girl.
I have only one fave on this album, "Neverland". Not to say the rest are trash, I just have my reasons.
Love that exists only in imagination?? Yea, Im there, been there and probably not leaving anytime soon. Keep hope alive?? More like hope is on life support. lmfao
Download ---> "Well Isn't This Awkward"
charles hamilton,
Well isn't this awkward
"Just like me, S-O-N-I-C"
Right now my ears(& other body parts. lmao) only crave one thing "Every Charles Hamilton Ex-Girlfriend's worst nightmare". This shit is "poppinnnn" (Troii. lol). Its a really cool take on Kanye's "808's and Heartbreaks", only less me at least. lol. Its also really honest sounding and blunt. He's airing it all out!! There are 9 tracks on here, all named after ex-girls. Some have only one name as the song title while others have 3, I wonder if this says something of their importance. lol maybe??
While I enjoy the whole thing my faves are "Toya", "Shantel" & "Simone". why, well because...
"Toya" samples West's "So Amazing" and has some memorable lines such as: "...But her head made me asian, it was, so amazin, so amazin, so amazin...". Lmao. The end only sheds more light on Toya's amazing head game. “Toya I care about you, I really do, but you know your head is retarded." lmfaoo
"Shantel", a really deep one, samples "Welcome to Heartbreak". The lyrics are real and so is Charles's explanation for them. Thumbs Up. lol
"Simone"'s beat is crazyy, its the one you can bounce to(well at least i I have a lot of songs where Charles talks of his relationship with her ("The Honeymoon's Over", amazing) so in a way I feel a strong connection to this song. lol... Sampling "AnyWay". The chorus touches home, "...nightmares suck and daydreams are nothing." Yea. I agree.
Download----> "Every Charles Hamilton Ex-Girlfriend's worst nightmare"
Doll Face!!
So I've gotten bitten by the "reading Bug", again, and have decided to share my experiences with the novels with you guys. The first book I'll give a report on is the "Valley of the Dolls" by Jacqueline Susann.
First published in 1966, the novel takes you through to twisted lives of 3 young woman. The first character we are introduced to is Anne Wells, an New England beauty who moved to New York to escape her boring homestead. Her storyline is one that focuses on finding love rather than on getting ahead in her career; unlike beautiful Jennifer North, who stops at nothing to reach stardom. Next is naive Nelle O'Hara, a young girl who has been in the show business all her life.
The 3 woman are bound by their own misery and from this a friendship ensues. Misery isn't the only uniting force between these women, their addictions to downers, "Dolls", also enhance(or in many ways detracts) the relationships. The novel shows excellently how women are affected by love, success, and addiction, all in different yet totally similar ways.
While the back cover of the book promises it to be scandalous and filled with sexuality, however readers today will probably find it tame. Remember it was written in the 60's. lol
This isn't a post to summarize the book, I just hope that this makes you want to read it for yourself. :-)
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