Saturday, February 21

Pretty Pink Roses...

I just finished this novel a few days ago, it was an easy read but it packed a lot of cultural punch. The novel by, Laura Fitzgerald, follows Tamila Soroush an Iranian woman who on a 3-month guest visa goes to America in search of love, well not love moreso marriage so that she can stay in America.

Horribly sickened by her country she dreams of a place where woman won't have to wear headscarves and the chadors of the religous regime.

Once in America, Tami is overwhlemed by the freedoms, simple acts that we take for granted are to her sacred and somewhat scary. She still harbors fears of Iran and lives everyday with the thought of returning.

The book takes Tami through love, lust, and pain. Although it has an expected ending its no less a good book.

Give it a try, I know there's a little bit of Love living inside...


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