Recently, Jay-Z came out with D.O.A or Death of Autotunes and everyone was like "Yea Hov. Kill that wack autotunes shit son!!" And so came the swing towards stopping the use/abuse of autotunes and chastising the strong users of it(Ron Browz, DJ Webstar, Weezy, etc.) tho there were many who still valued this voice effect-er(real word?? lol)...And then came Woody.
Im sure you've seen his name on my blog before as producer and also as an artist. Honestly, he's FIRE!! When I first saw him mention his doing a "R.O.A" or "Resurrection of Autotunes" I was like "Noo!! Dont come at Hov" and until hearing it I was scared that he might face some repurcussions. Lol, However, the song is really good. Woody attacked Jay's ideas in a positive way and what he says is all true. I like will too.

Download---> "R.O.A" by Woody
Get Familiar---> Woody's Blog
-Tori Cheyenne
this joint is ill and he went in with a respectable angle.
this joint is poppin.
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