Thursday, April 30
New Face of Sean John Contest=FAIL
Check out the site here
New Photography from Young Bliss!!
LMAO!! Funny ass video!!
Imagine if this was real..."Spent 45 minutes sending an email" lmfao
Praise Jesus!!
Love her once mo gain!!
Wednesday, April 29
Video: Yung Nate and Gang "Blackout" Live
"Blackout" Yung Nate (Produced by Woody)
Read--->Yung Nate's blog
Follow--->Yung on Twitter
Get Familiar--->Yung Nate's Myspace
She shouldn't have...

Tuesday, April 28
I need a band-aid!!
And "The SHow"continues: new music from Show Tufli!!
Great cover artwork too!! Whoever his artist is deserves some props!!
Download---> The SHow by SHow TuFli
Read--->SHow's Blog
Get Familiar---> & Demevolist's Blog
Friday, April 24
Wednesday, April 22
Beyonce unedited vocals...LMAO
Check it out:
Lmao...very funny!! lol But since we all know Bey can sing, let's just laugh and move on.
New (old) music from Charles le Hamilton!!
Faves :"Hamiltonian Roast(feat. Tha-Engineer aka Sha-leik, Yung Nate and more)", "They Call me Charles"(done to the beat of Snoop's "Who am I(What's my name). smooth), "Throw Some Pink"...ok I truly like the wholee mixtape!!
This is refreshing to me after Charles' last few releases (The Dead Zone. ugh) which I weren't to fond of. Sadly.
This is a must!!
Download--->The Binge Vol. 1: Staring at the lavalamp by Charles Hamilton
Show Tufli BTS video: "The Show"
The project comes out next Tuesday (April 28). The released projects were great...cant Wait!!
Tuesday, April 21
Bunches of new music from Demevolist!!!
Highway Music is just that, shit you blast while cruisin. (Or takin mass transit. Not all of us can drive ya kno...ME. lol) B/A is a beast, I really love when this kid raps cuz he goes in. And this project is no exception. With production from Woody, Charles Hamilton, Blackthebeast, and more and apperances by favo Show Tufli, Yung Nate, Proven and Jmeans this is sure to be a Demevlassic(did I just make up a new word?? lmao. Credit me).
Download---> Highway Music by B/A
Follow B/A on Twitter--->
Myspace--->B/A's Myspace
The next sweet suprise this tuesday is new music from another Demevolist artist, Proven. My fave song that he is on is "Beat box" off of another Demevlassic, lmao, Ayo! These niggas went Hollywood. He's a great rapper and the tone of his voice is cool. So check him out!!
Download---> "Leave me Alone" and "Toy Friend" by Proven
100th Post!!
-but I digress...
I kept thinking about what I should do for my 100th post, and I couldn't think of anything. Lol...figures. I hope that ill continue to gain more followers and they'll give me their ideas and opinions. Wisdom, thanks for your input on that last post. Your right, society defines for us who we become, by us either fitting the standards or not. I still want others opinions on it...please?? Lol...ok I have to go to the gym tomorrow(on this whole workout, get healthy shit). So off to bed for me. Thanks ass you guys who follow and enjoy my still going to try and do something special for that 100th post. ;-)
Sunday, April 19
Normal vs. Wierd??
I really value you guys opinions, I want this to be an interactive blog. AND I also hate feeling as if im talking to myself. Lol
Friday, April 17
Spotlight: D-Ferg
Anyways, he's from Harlem, and was heavily influence by the style of the N.E.R.D dudes "...more than just kids with skater was a statment of the freedom to be different". He attended the highschool of art and design where he studied abstract art & fashion. Poppin. He's also interned for Sean John & helped his dad(who's since passed) with a t-shirt business that catered to hiphop celebs. He hopes that in the future he'll have a succesful clothing line, DEVONI. Im uber happy that I did this post, to know a kid so motivated to do what he loves is amazing. Mad thumbs up to you Kid!! Lol
Some of D-Ferg's artwork below:
As you can see, he is EXTREMELY talented and creative. The "DEVONI I watch FILMS(feeling, innovated, living, motivated)" is his way of trying to get other to take charge or their life...D-Ferg is a fuckin breath of fresh air.
Thursday, April 16
Drake interview on Power 105.1 with DJ Clue!!
Lol, I began writing this hours ago but I got distracted...DRAKE You the fucking best boo ;-)
Monday, April 13
New Music: Show Tufli "WestHarlemSwaggerifikMercedesCrusinMusik"!!!
Last week I posted the first single "Fashion Avenue", which I lovee!! And am uber-excited about this new project!! As I've said before, it is influenced by Outkast with production by Demevolist producers, Sha-leik, Woody & Charles Hamilton.
You'd be a fool not to download and input this shit into your Ipod/Zune, shit burn it and put it in that cd player you got attached to your Ipod headphones. Lmao. Really tho, Download:
The cover artwork is fucking ILL!!!!!
Download--->WestHarlemSwaggerifikMercedesCrusinMusik: Show Tufli
Check out---> Show's Blog & Demevolist's blog
"For the next 5 minutes I just want you to be as cocky as possible..." -Show Tufli
Do I really want to swallow this??
Saturday, April 11
The "Amber-Rose Effect" gets another...
Either way, she's one pretty bitch!! And still one of my "girl crushes
Why do I do this to myself...
Are you ready for your close-up??

Friday, April 10
Why im still single...
Wednesday, April 8
New Music: Show Tufli "Fashion Avenue"
Im ready for my close-up...
I dont really like taking pics, but they turned out nice!! Well. Some of them did. 143
A little on the Venusian woman...
A Taurus woman wants a real man, who can make her proud of himself as much as she is proud of herself. However, if he fails in his role, she will take the control in her own hands. Neither will she act like a mewing kitten, nor like a roaring lioness. She is independent and has a mind of her own, but she does not want to dominate in the relationship. Taurean women do not see social status while making their friends. They want to be friends with people who do not hide their true nature and come across as they really are...
Gaining the love of a Taurus woman might take quite a time, however, once accomplished, the Taurus woman will return your efforts with both loyalty and devotion and, she will remain a steadfast partner through out the most difficult of life circumstances you may encounter.
Everybody likes the Taurus woman, both for her born sensuality that she is aware of, and for her sex appeal that she intentionally cultivates since adolescence. The outlined and often full lips, the heavy breasts, severely caught in tight blouses, or let completely loose and naked with an innocent brazenness beneath the blouses made of slightly indiscrete fabric, the colours of her provocative clothes contain an innocently defiant refinement that does not aim the sexual offer but the erotic adolescent provocation....
Tuesday, April 7
Black people, save your money. Buy a house!!!
"I get a call like 'where are you Breezy!?!'"
Here's le plan...
Monday, April 6
Pictures in the park...
she's going to Peru for Srping Break. And while im jealous, Im def gonna miss her. 143333
"Booted at the party drinking big ole cups..." lmao
"Pink wearing beat-tearing menace is back with a vengance. So digg this. Got em running off the block. My freestyle got Britney Spears running of the top. LOL"
"Stepping on the scene with some Louies on my feet. Shorty lookin at me like she wanted me to beat, so I creep. Im like I wanna get witya. The ice on my chain made her think she takin pictures, so she froze..."
So looked for it on Imeem and did not find it. Maybe Charles Hamilton will read this & hear my plea!! I need this song on my blog like NOWWWW!! lmao...see dont I sound obsessed?? haha!!
"so get wildddd"
Spotlight: P.A

Obama Fried Chicken: Rascist or Genius??
-I must say that I do find the Obama fingers" to be distasteful. At least with these chickenspots there is a history of them in the hood w. presidential names. So, yea lets not eat O's fingers!! lol
Sunday, April 5
Saturday, April 4
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
I'd be happy with Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Deadass. Sums up everything I like/want/need. Id be fat. But I'd be happy.
Lol...think about it.
Gas Station
Thursday, April 2
This makes me want to mate with Asher Roth!!
-I totally felt like he was singing to ME!! lmao...he's soo skinny. haha!! But he went hard and I loved it. Pause!! lol
Asher's album "Asleep in the Bread Aisle" drops April 20th.
Running low on fumes!!!
New music from Yung Nate: Illroots & SubCon Present: Spring Cleaning
"Survive" : Yung Nate
Also featured on mixtape:
B/A, Show Tufli, & Charles Hamilton!! Good shit!!
Download--->Illroots & SubCon Present: Spring Cleaning
New New music from Charles Hamilton!!
Wednesday, April 1
Extra!! Extra!! Alternative cover to "The Dead Zone"
While I dont like the font, the graphics are cool. Wayy better than what CH had. lol
check out the creator, JayBlade/Gambitt!!!
Justin Timberlake turns me on!!
New Music: Charles Hamilton "The Dead Zone"
Download---> Charles Hamilton "The Dead Zone"
"Why don’t I give a f*ck about anything any mortal has to say to me? Because I’m dead. In a sense, I guess I’m a zombie. But I’m kinda not. I walk amongst you all, but the things that determine your average person’s happiness… well, don’t effect me. I store all said thoughts in “The Dead Zone”."
For details on each track go here ---> "The Dead Zone" track-by-track
Oh & being the grammatical asshole that I am its "affect" not effect". lmao ;-)
Charles Hamilton dead, a zombie?? Say it aint so...
Original "Turn my Swag on" song!!
I was in work monday and they were playing a bunch of oldies but goodies. I was jamming in the fitting room to some MICHEAL!!! yea, the customers had to think I was crazy. anyways, towards closing I was upstairs and the theme song from "Shaft" came on. We all know Shaft was the hardest(pause) brother on tv. Shit, still is. And when this song came on all the brothers in Urban got some swag. My co-worker, Jaques, was at the door just swaying. Another nigga walking up the stairs just feeling himself. So, brothers when you press play turn ya swagg onnn!!! Lol...Soulja boy aint got shit on this!!!
"Shaft" theme song by Isaac Hayes