Recently two "chicken spots" in Harlem and BK have renamed their stores to "Obama Fried Chicken" and with some it has caused an uproar. However, I don't see the problem. Living in Harlem I see "Lincoln Fried Chicken"(dumbb good on 125th & bway) and "Kennedy Fried Chicken", everyday. They were both named after presidents that resonate with black people and only use the name for profit. Is it not the same with Obama?? People are saying that it is rascist. How?? Because he's black and therefore he must like fried chicken?? Now that's rascist. They are simply using a popular name to increase business in a black neighborhood. Someone said "Well if McCain had won they wouldn't call the spot "McCain Fried Chicken" Hell fuckin naw they wouldn't, I don't think anyone would open a business in a predominantly black neighborhood and name it after someone they have a negative history with (don't see any "Jim Crow Chinese food places) That isn't good business strategy. Now, I must say that its very soon to be naming chicken spots after Obama, but hey, they saw an oppurtunity & seized it. We should be admiring their business skills. I see no rascism here and am not offended. Its really only rascist when the steretype that black people love fried chicken comes into play, and, that aint a sterotype. We do LOVE us some fried chicken, and I know Obama loves fried chicken too!! LOL
-I must say that I do find the Obama fingers" to be distasteful. At least with these chickenspots there is a history of them in the hood w. presidential names. So, yea lets not eat O's fingers!! lol
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