Sunday, April 19

Normal vs. Wierd??

What is normal?? What is weird?? These are questions asked by society everyday and never is there a good enough answer. I mean, who decides these things?? Do the "normal" people dictate what is weird?? Or is it from the actions of the "weridos" that what's normal is determined. And then, how do we decide where we fit?? I find myself to be pretty normal, yet everyone else finds me weird. And now, being "weird" is normal. Its all very confusing. So readers please leave your commentary on this subject. What do you think is normal or weird?? And how do you determine it??
I really value you guys opinions, I want this to be an interactive blog. AND I also hate feeling as if im talking to myself. Lol


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually had to think about this one lol......I think normal people are people who conform to the rules of society, which isn't a bad thing....while weird people are just more open about expressing their ideas....being weird or normal isn't something you decide but something "society" decides for you....on the other hand how do we know if our society is normal????? I kinda going into college mode right now soooo yeah.......

But if you think you're weird you probably aren't lol.......