Wednesday, October 8

Uh, I had to do something else...

Ok, so voting registration deadlines are approaching and after a much hyped and media discussed presidential campaign i am expecting to see a tremendous decrease of non-voting Americans. About 8 million Blacks are not registered to vote. They make up part of the 55 million Americans not registered. Now we have all seen the "Obama for your Mama" t-shirts, have all seen aways with "Barack & Roll" in them, and have all witnessed heated debates between Dems and Reps. yet we still fail to lend ourselves to where it really counts. For all the hype that surrounds this race you would think that there'd be more voter registration, so much that they would run out of space. But no there isn't. It may be that the same people who scream "Obamaaaaaa" have yet to file their forms and that those who worship Mccain as the war veteran who's policies will change America that say when voting is over & they are dissatisfied that the reason they didnt vote is because they had something better to do or they couldnt get to a voting site in time or they didnt have time to fill out a voter registration form because the DMV is 50 miles from thier house. And I'm not one to say you MUST vote, but if you campaign for some hard bodyy then you should vote for that person if you can. so if you ever rocked an Obama shirt from Urban outfitters or a Mccain pin on your book bag your ass better be at those damn polls. sadly tho, as we've seen in past elections many Americans won't vote. So, we've go t2 days left...we shall wait & see what its gonna look like at them polls.....

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