Friday, October 3

Im Grown Now....

i haven't blogged in a while. it seemed that my blogging obsession was a fad like many things that i tend to do. i must have the shortest attention span, i seem to lose interest in things so easily. however, i know that the reason i start things and never seem to finish or quit when it starts to get hard is because i have a fear of losing. I'm trying to work on that. this summer was one that had a lot of growth. i wasn't ready for a lot of things prior to the summer, especially college. that's y i took a semester off. sounds cliche but, it truly was to "find" myself. and i think if my self was a 100-piece puzzle that I've found 68 pieces. why 68?? i have no idea, seems suitable.

OK, I'm rambling. and I'm scared to go back and read what i wrote because i KNOW that it has shit loads of grammatical errors...lmao!! bottom line, main idea, point blank...I've grown!! and I'm proud of myself...i got my shit together and although i may have taken the road less traveled (owww R. Frost =]) i wouldn't make a u-turn for shit!! my path is my own, and if it seems off the beaten paths then so be it...

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