Tuesday, July 14

I had a hard time finding a title to go with this video. To put it bluntly (as WorldStar HipHip did so well) its a gay amputee singing Mariah Carey's "Obsessed". Now, they say you shouldn't laugh at those with "special" problems but I'm sure he just wants to be treated like every other tone-def gay man...so go ahead and laugh!! Its the human thing to do...enjoy!!

He has really good upper arm strength...but cmon man if you're gonna sing KNOW the words!!

-Tori Cheyenne

1 comment:

Gambitt said...

some people need there camera hidden....or took....or stolen.

Maybe some of these people need to be hidden....took....or stolen....or stole in the face. smh

...my stomach hurts for some reason after seeng this.

What up Tori