Friday, July 10

Im addicted to you...

Ok, I have a confession to make...I, Tori Cheyenne of, am addicted to Twitter!! I have 7000 updates, it has to be a world record I swear!! I just love to Tweet!! Like right now I should be at the gym, sweating up a storm and feeling great about all the calories I am burning, but instead I am on TweetDeck tweeting my life away. See, addictions arent a problem until they start to interfere with your life, well Twitter is a problem. For anyone who has a Twitter account and uses it on a regular basis knows what I mean. The trending topics can get insane!! Then we have the #followfridays which get crazy!! I mean for a text message worth of characters you sure can have fun!! I sometimes feel as tho I annoy my followers with my constant tweets but people seem to enjoy my one-liners and I guess if my addiction isnt hurting others its all good. So on that note...tweet me baby! lol

-Tori Cheyenne

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