Saturday, July 11

My weekends SUCK!!

I must have thee most sucktastic weekends ever!! They never seem to be as fun as I want them to be or as others are. Every time something with potential comes up something else happens to make my plans go awry. I hear all the time of these hugely successful weekends people have and I wonder why I have yet to have those. While I may not want to party every night or get trashed at every party I do want to have a good time. And it really doesnt feel like summer here in NYC at all!! Its raining and chilly!! Where's the sunshine!! Why am I not wearing bootyshorts with my ass cheeks hanging out and why is my unruly hair still straight!?! Im not even a summer person, but gosh, do I miss it!! This was a pointless post, lol, it coincides with my pointless weekends so perhaps it wasnt so pointless!! womp!!

-Tori Cheyenne

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