Wednesday, March 11

What's that Fuckin Noise?!?!

I'm a weirdo. Self-confessed. Loves it. Being the weirdo I am, I tend to do unusual things. My biggest thing has been to make weird noises avec my mouth. lol...not on some freaky shit. But yea, mouth noises. My fave things to do is to make the "creaking door" sound, lol. Its cool, I've learned how to vary the pitch & shit. Master. This sound was especially cool in French class...when it was just mad quiet I'd just start doing that noise. Teacher would be like "Whats that noise?!?" And since I can do it without the need to move my mouth no one ever knew it was me. FUN!!! lol

I also do this weird spit squirting thing. Feelin like a pause is necessary. PAUSE. lol But naw this sound is cool. Idk how to describe it, a kind of squirt-y sound. lol *shrugs*...This is prolly thee most annoying since whenever I do it people give me nasty looks. lmao fuckers!!
If you see Charles Hamilton ask him to do it. Lol...only other person I've met who said they used to do it as well. Cool


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