Thursday, March 5

Maybe I'm just dirty...

Soooo I always find myself scavenging on my kitchen late at night looking, unsuccessfully, for fodder. tonight is no different. I look in the cabinets, we have a lot of nothing. Stupid Chef Boyardee type shits for my bro, Poptarts and pulpo(octupus). I check the fridge, again nothing I want. So I check the freezer, though I know i'm not in the mood to cook anything, and I see a box of Popsicles. Nothing special, right?? WRONG!! These were special Popsicles Firecrackers with an exploding tip!!

First thing I thought of was sexual and very dirty. But who wouldn't. Popsicles are already sexual, suck a long, hard ice-y thing...yea. But these took it to a whole 'nother level. They are HUGE for one and the exploding tip(pop rock type candy shit I presume) just took the sexual innuendos to a new level. lmao.

So my question is Am I wrong for thinking such dirty thoughts about an innocent children's confection or are the makers of this wrong for creating dildo-esque ices for kids?? lmao

*I mean look at it. It can't just be me... lol

-xoxo ;-)

1 comment:

mZ pRetTy meMoRieS said...


Secret: Ever since a YOUNG age [jr high] I had a complex with eating big sticks in public. After FAT ASS DEVIl Marshaun Logan saw me slurping mine one Summe. He spreaded the word that could potentionally suck a MEAAAN dick. :::madface:::

lol... && Ive heaRd That if you gIve "the favor" with pop rocks it makes the guys go Crazii