Wednesday, April 1

Extra!! Extra!! Alternative cover to "The Dead Zone"

So, Yesterday I posted new music from Charles Hamilton and remarked on jow horrid the album artwork was. Well, I wasn't the only one who thought it was shitty. One fan was prompted to make his own cover. it is

While I dont like the font, the graphics are cool. Wayy better than what CH had. lol

check out the creator, JayBlade/Gambitt!!!


Gambitt said...

That's the thing with making album covers, its hit or miss with the fonts. Tried to get a font close to the one on the "Well Isn't This Awkward" cover.
Thanx for showin' luv, Ms.Tori.

Tori Cheyenne said...

no problem!! Its really a good cover tho. I like the bottom font tho!!